PARADIGM Performance and Education Mentorship

My mentorship clients are coaches, athletes, physical therapists or chiropractors, or fitness professionals who refuse to believe that “training less hard,” using less weight, or simply taking time off is the answer to better movement and less pain. 

They want to help their athletes be their own hero, and refuse to accept that their best is behind them.

They want to seamlessly blend principles of rehab and advanced biomechanics into their training in order to make training the tool by which we improve movement and ameliorate pain:
Rehab and training are not mutually exclusive.

A paradigm does exist whereby the training serves as the vehicle that drives change in the very patterns that not only generate pain, but hold us back from our performance goals.

"All models are wrong, but some are useful."

The iron sport athlete requires a unique application of movement and adaptations to movement based on mass/size, training demands and output capacity,
We cannot accept the current lens we are being told to look through.

In my mentorship, we take the mantra to “challenge everything,” 

with the goal being a robust and dynamic paradigm from which to base training decisions via thought provoking evaluation of current principles, pared down to the basics, and further applied to a unique population.

We will address topics including but not limited to:

-Systemic influences on pain

-Endocrine influences on tissue healing and histology

-Advanced biomechanics

-Program design for powerlifting, bodybuilding, or general “jacked, strong, and healthy” goals

-Current literature/evidence on multiple subtopics

By challenging different principles, you will develop a robust paradigm from which to base training decisions via thought provoking evaluation of current accepted principles, pared down to the basics and applied to the iron sport athlete.  

We will re-write the rules together.


Fill out the form below to apply.   This background information helps me guide our conversation, and ensure that I am the right fit to help close the gap from where you are to where you want to be. 

STEP 2: Chat with me

We’ll dive a little deeper here so that I can get a more complete picture of what you’re looking for, what you feel you’re lacking, and your current role to ensure we’re strategically aligned.  If we’re a good fit, I will extend an invitation to either private or group mentorship based on your needs. 

STEP 3: Rewrite the rules.

You’ll likely challenge ME to think differently by the end of this mentorship. I’d love to see YOU move forward as a thought leader within your sphere of influence.

About Me

After working in a traditional PT clinic starting at 15 in 2003, I’ve seen enough to know we need better. I was fortunate to find phenomenal mentoring that changed how I viewed what PT could be, and ultimately was the catalyst to evolving my career.  In 2019, I left the traditional model and have been obsessively curious about what it takes to break the “my best is behind me” thought pattern that so many subconsciously fall into.  I solve the complex  cases others have failed with.  Rather than staring at studies and “talking” a big game, I’ve lived it! I’ve put myself through fire to perform at an exceptionally high level, garnishing my training as “practical lab work,”  totaling almost 1100 in sleeves at 132 to competing at the Olympia my 4th year bodybuilding. These very same principles are the same ones I’ve used to breathe life into an enormous number of athletes who thought their best might be behind them:
I accomplished these enormous wins AFTER being told my best would likely be behind me. I want to give you these same principles.

If you’re a coach or athlete who’s been struggling to figure out how to manage moving FORWARD, how to organize and apply the trendy advanced mechanics to a different population, or simply want to learn to view movement and programming differently, apply to work directly with me.  You’ll move your business, yourself, and your athletes forward, and together, we will continue to lead from the front, boots on the ground. 

We’ll challenge everything together, and create a new paradigm and system from which you can succeed.